Our fair-skinned clients are amazed at the results of a spray tan. Most have the misconception that there is only one shade of spray tan solution, dark. This is not the case and the majority of the time we will use our lowest percentage DHA solution which is typically 8.5%. Our spray tan technicians are trained to lightly mist our fair-skinned clients which will produce a beautiful glow.
Here are some tips to help fair skin clients with their first spray tan:
Exfoliating is a Must
Taking a step to prep before your spray tanning session can help ensure an even tone and absorption. Exfoliate your body everywhere that you plan to tan. This will remove the dead skin cells and make it easier for you to get a more even tone. This is especially important for fair-skinned clients who may show slight variations in color than those who are starting with a darker base. You can use a sea salt or sugar exfoliator or an exfoliating sponge to slough off the cells before you fake bake.
Putting a barrier between your freshly exfoliated fair skin and the spray tanning solution is not a good idea. Before spray tanning, remove all lotions or creams from your skin. Leaving remnants on your skin will act as barrier, resulting in a final tan that has streaky or splotchy white spots where your fair tone shows through.
Remove Makeup
Use a gentle makeup remover or a cleanser to get all of your foundation, concealer and other cosmetics completely off of your face and neck prior to tanning. Just like lotions, makeup will act as a barrier.
Use a Tan Extender Product
Since you have fair skin your tan may fade faster than an olive skinned client. After a few days if you feel your tan needs a little boost, use a tan extender to add some bronze back to your skin. You don't want a dark self tanning product, just an extender with a tint to help moisturize your skin and keep the tan looking fresh.
There are many ways our fair-skinned clients can enjoy the benefits of a spray tan. There is no reason to be afraid now that you know your skin will glow too after a spray tan. If you still are unsure, check your local listings for a mobile spray tan service that will come to your home which is always a more comfortable environment.
By Deann Casias Howard