Typically, a spray tan will last anywhere from 5-10 days. However, there are several factors that contribute to the lifespan of the spray tan which can dramatically affect the results.
The active ingredient in tanning sprays is DHA or dihydroxyacetone. When sprayed, the DHA reacts with the outer skin and the color changes starts to appear. However, within a short time the dead skin cells collapse to make way for the new cells to come up. When this happens, some of the tanning color also tends to fade. This is the reason why the tanning color appears to fade within a short time because dead skin replacement is a continuous process.
So how do you make your spray tan last? Read our top 5 tips to make your spray tan last.
You can usually get a better idea of the longevity of spray tans after you have had the first application. This is why we typically recommend brides should do a test spray tan to evalaute the results.
Everyone has different skin and the tan will naturally last longer on some than others. Once you know for how long a spray tan usually lasts, you can schedule your next appointments to keep your skin bronzed.