- Did you know just one bad blistering sunburn early in life can actually double the risk of skin cancer later in life?
- Did you know the sun causes 80% of premature skin aging, making sun protection and avoiding exposure some of the best defenses against wrinkles?
- Did you know skin cancer is the most commonly occurring form of cancer in the U.S?
- Did you know the NCI (National Cancer Institute) estimates that 40 to 50 percent of Americans who live to age 65 will have at least one episode of skin cancer. Most skin cancer is diagnosed after age 50?
- Did you know skin reactions can happen when sunlight interacts with certain chemicals or medications. Certain antibiotics, colognes and perfumes can cause irritation or cause your skin to become sensitive to the sun?
- Did you know sunburning just once in your life can cause irreparable skin damage.
It can't be stressed enough that over exposure to the sun and tanning beds will cause sun spots and skin damage. A sunless tan is the only safe alternative to getting that color you desire. And remember, always wear sun screen when you outside, even in the winter!
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